LinkedIn Company Pages

linkedin3Company Pages with LinkedIn do pretty well on the search engines when someone types in your company’s name. For that reason, it’s important you develop your LinkedIn Company Page. Potential customers, banks, suppliers – even competitors – may be researching your company, so give a great online impression!

Authoritative Link

A listing with LinkedIn is also considered “authoritative” with Google and the link from your company LinkedIn page to your company website is valuable as far as search engine rankings are concerned.

Easy to start

Setting up a Company Page with LinkedIn is done very easily. You’ll have to have a personal profile first, though. Once you are logged into your personal profile, go to here and follow the easy instructions.

When completing your Company Page, it’s important to provide as much information as possible. A half-done Company Page looks worse than no page at all!

Product & Services Page

The Company Page has tabs for Overview (general company information), Careers (employment opportunities with your company), and Product & Services. You can upload photos to your Product & Services page that will greatly enhance the impact and I highly recommend you take advantage of this.


When a person with a personal profile on LinkedIn enters their place of employment, their profile “attaches” to the Company Page. The Overview Page will display employees personal profiles due to the connection LinkedIn automatically makes within the system.

I highly recommend you also review each of your employee pages to make sure they are also impactful! Encourage employees to be detailed on their experience and expertise, and that they thoroughly check their spelling and grammar…their LinkedIn profiles reflect back on your company. They should always use professional headshots; you may want to consider paying for this. You can use the headshots for press releases, your website and lots of other places so it’s money well spent.

Good luck!

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