Our WordPress Maintenance Program

Helping to keep your site safe for you and your website visitors

There are many on the web who would love to compromise a website for any number of reasons.  Some just want to prove they can do it, defacing your site with some embarrassing message.  Some wwordpress-hacker-circleant to covertly “inject” hidden code that can infect the website visitor’s computer, possibly stealing data or maybe turning the computer into a “bot”, ready to accept destructive commands sometime in the future. Continue Reading

Why Content is King

Website Content is King!  From Advantage Positioning, SEO Lakeland FLSo, I’m working with a client who is in the consulting business and charges an arm and a leg for his expertise.

When working on his new website content, he tells me; “We don’t need pages for each of my services.  Just put in one page with a bullet service list.”

He says people will contact him for more information.

No, they won’t.

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Using employee photos on a corporate website

iStock_000008731824XSmallx150A picture is worth a thousand words and this rule applies on websites, too.  And photos of people and specifically faces is powerful in marketing; it creates an immediate emotional connection.

Benefits of using employee photos

Now, there are plenty of stock art photos you can purchase online and chances are, you already have some on your website.  Chances are, other sites are using the exact same stock art images.  An excellent option to stock art are real photos of your employees.  In fact, real photos not only make your website imagery unique; it brings other benefits such as authenticity, personality and employee excitement about participating in your marketing.

From small start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations,  employees are often a company’s best asset.  Show them off!  And if you have attractive premises, expensive equipment and such, photos of employees in their environment are superb.
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glue-stickDeveloping a sense of community among your website visitors is the best way to get repeat visits….and sales. Appealing to the deepest needs – to belong – we can implement many features on our websites that build on those needs and will keep customers coming back for more. Continue Reading

Statistics show that trust is directly related to sales volume. The more you are trusted, the greater chance you have of closing the sale. Continue Reading

serverlogsDepending on the goal of your website, different measurements of success apply.  Standard website server logs provide you with a lot of information. Some of it is pretty useless, and some of it is great if you know what to look for. Continue Reading